Monday, October 12, 2009

The unspoken lie.

Why is it harder to know you are loved, than when you don't? The responsibility of people caring for you, the need to not let them down, its so hard a burden to carry. When a man is alone, there is a certain anonymity to his action. Mistakes or lapses of judgment are his alone to carry. If a man uses poor judgment he has to move on with life learn from it and grow stronger, but when a man is loved, or worse yet admired by others, those fallibility's are exponentially magnified. The weight of others caring about you and what you do, can be a burden too great to bear. How does a man balance the need to protect those he loves from the realities of himself. With the knowledge that he is not what they have made him up to be? To shatter the image others have created may cause them pain, but trying to live up to the image is next to impossible for most. Realizing that you are not what others see, is not the problem. Realizing how others see you is. When a man thinks others see him as a failure or worse even, mediocre, it is a saddened existence, but when a man is exalted by his loved ones for his success, his generosity, his compassion, it creates a need to fulfill that fallacy that can drive him beyond his limitations. At times, knowing the right choice is difficult at best, but when the fear of failure is increased by responsibility, it can freeze a mans actions. Sometimes any decision, even the wrong one, is better than none.

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